

Sep 15

Why vote Royals? Part VIII

Besides a deep sense of tradition, there are plenty of reasons to vote to keep the Royals name as the team moves to its new ballpark next season.

Here’s what we might have to put up with if the vote goes another way:

This was by far the longest I spent on one of these...20 whole minutes!

I’m a Nebraska history nerd. Love it. The battle for statehood, the drama over the location of the capital city, homesteading, all of it. So of course I understand the role of railroads in this state’s history. Really, I do get it.

But imagine life as a Locomotives fan. Come on, come on, do the loco-motion with me!

‘Locomotive’ is not a manly word, nor is it catchy. It would almost immediately be shorted to ‘Locos,’ which means ‘Crazies.’ Which is actually almost cool, especially compared to Locomotives.

The above was actually the 2nd jersey I drew for this name. The first one looked too jail-y.

Locos apparently end up in jail for being too loco.

Anyway, vote Royals. And good luck getting that stupid ‘Loco-Motion’ song out of your head.

See all posts in this series here.

Related posts:

  1. Why Vote Royals? Part II
  2. Why Vote Royals? Part I
  3. Why Vote Royals? Part V


  1. Eric Angevine

    I vote for the Omaha Tourist Traps, named for the giant storm drain I fell into five minutes before I met you that one time.

  2. Sir Donk of Punchstania


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