April flew by, didn’t it? As we head into May, let’s look at some of the top performers (among regular players) in Omaha during the first month of the season. The leader in the offensive categories will not surprise any of you.OBP leaders
Kila Ka’aihue: .444
Buck Coats: .368
Irving Falu: .340
Walk leaders
Kila Ka’aihue: 18 – leads PCL
Irving Falu and Scott Thorman – 8
Marc Maddox – 6
Fewest Strikeouts
Cody Clark – 5
Irving Falu – 6
Buck Coats – 9
HR leaders
Kila Ka’aihue: 6
Jordan Parraz (yaaaay!): 2
Wilson Betemit: 2
Top Offensive Performer
Kila Ka’aihue – oh, for pity’s sake. Call the guy up already. Or trade him to someone who will. The poor guy!!
And now for the pitchers…
Most strikeouts – starter
Bruce Chen: 20 (in 20.2 innings)
Gaby Hernandez: 17 (in 26.1 innings)
Most strikeouts – reliever
Greg Holland: 12 (13.0 IP)
Carlos Rosa: 10 (12.1 IP)
Best Defense
(Based on what I’ve seen…feel free to make other suggestions!)
David Lough – he is terrific. I’m a huge fan.
At the request of Matt Klaassen:
Phantom-est DL Abidee
I’m not officially sayin’ anything, but….after coming off the DL, Chris Hayes didn’t seem like a man who had been injured. (Well, except his outing on the 24th. That was a rough night. I blame myself, because on all days that I interview Disco for a school project, he pitches terribly. My bad, guys.)
Other random categories:
Best Pantaloons
Marc Maddox (see photo at left. Pantaloons!)
Best Mississippi accent
Marc Maddox (you can hear it in my video….)
Best Dugout Chicken Dance
Edwin Bellorin
Most Irrational Irrational Favorite Player
Jordan Parraz
I understand that Parraz has holes in his game. Like, serious ones. Actually, he’s kind of the opposite of my ideal ‘favorite player’ type. I know he’s better overall than he’s been this season – he’s in a poorly-timed funk right now – but even at his best, he’s undisciplined at the plate and lacks instincts in the field.
It’s kind of funny watching Parraz and Lough play defense alongside each other. When Lough is in center, there are a ton of balls that I am sure will drop in for extra bases, but Lough ends up under them and makes the plays. But when a ball is hit toward right field, I almost don’t want to watch, because it’s likely that Parraz is going to misread the flight of the ball, jump in the wrong direction, or misplay a ball that bounces around the track or the wall. His arm is incredible – seriously special – but I don’t believe it’s enough to make up for his other defensive deficiencies. And of course, one can get away with being a butcher afield if one is a master at the plate, but Parraz is not that either.
He needs to start hitting, and do it soon. Otherwise, I’m officially Concerned, with a capital ‘c,’ about him. I make all these criticisms, but the fact remains that he is a favorite player of mine. I know it’s irrational, but there it is, and I hold on to hope that he’s going to get out of this slump and start to hit again. Tonight’s home run, which actually ended up in the huge glove sculpture at the I-Cubs’ ballpark, looks like a good start. Here’s hoping he can keep it up in May and beyond.
Completely irrational. Totally.
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