

Nov 22

Giving thanks

I’m typing this in the odd time between the end of football and when we’re finally hungry enough for the pie that was ready by dinnertime. We never eat it until later, of course, but wouldn’t it be sad to want pie right after Thanksgiving dinner and not have it ready yet? So year after year we make sure to have that pie baked and ready to go, but we never eat it till hours after dinner is finished. (And the turkey is done!)
I have a lot for which to be thankful this year. Both of my shoulders work, after over a full year of pretending to be left-handed because of an injury to the right side. I can even box on my brother’s Nintendo Wii. That’s progress if I’ve ever seen it.
In the last week, I’ve driven somewhere around 1200 miles in my aging Taurus, and it has carried me safely through all of those miles and many thousands before. Here’s to many more miles.
Several rooms away, I can hear my brothers and my parents laughing about one thing or another while they eat their pumpkin pie. We’re always laughing when we’re together, so much so that my sides and face always hurt when we finally have to part ways. It’s the best pain I could ever feel.
I have a new sister-in-law this year; after growing up with brothers, having Haley in the family is a welcome change.
The Royals are taking positive steps toward becoming something other than a joke. What’s not to love there? Is it April yet?
And really, I have to be thankful that I’m a student at the University of Nebraska. $35 for a whole season of men’s basketball? Yes please!
Lastly, I am quite thankful for pumpkin pie and Cool Whip. So I’m going to join my family in enjoying both.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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