

Oct 11


Originally posted on Fathers’ Day 2006 on my MySpace blog.
It’s Fathers’ Day. I want this one to be better than last year for Daddy. He was in the hospital and in horrible pain last year; this year he’s at home relaxing with his wife and (some of) his kids and watching baseball. And me and Matt baked him a cake…it looks like a baseball and it’s just pretty awesome.
I hope I can find a way to really show him how much he’s my hero. He always has been. My dad is everything–a firefighter, a paramedic, a teacher, and most importantly, he’s a damn good husband to my Mom, and the best father any kids could ever ask for.
Sometimes, like this afternoon when I was reading this week’s PostSecret entries, I see how lucky I am. Dad has never spoken unkindly to any of us, he’s never treated my Mom badly; he treats everyone with kindness and equity–often way more than these people deserve.
My whole life, I’ve been accused of being a “Daddy’s girl.” I’ve never denied that, and I never will. I hope he knows how much I love him.
To any fathers who may read this, or any stepfathers, or even guys whose girlfriends have kids…happy Fathers’ Day. To some young life (or lives) you are an absolute hero, better than Superman, Batman, and Hulk combined.


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