

Feb 21

Shoutouts everywhere!

Just a small note as I await the Nebraska/Kansas game this afternoon.

This was a bizarrely big week for people acknowledging me on a large-ish stage, and my swelling ego dictates that I share those things here.

-For the first time in my blogging career, Deadspin linked to something I wrote.

-Later that same day, JoePo gave a shoutout to me and my family in his blog.

-Yesterday, Greg Schaum mentioned me by name in an interview with Chris Hayes. Of course, he made me sound like some crazyperson who has a shrine to Hayes in her closet – which I do NOT – but still. The interview was awesome, by the way, so go give it a listen here (it’s down with the Day 5 stuff) – and check out the extensive day-by-day photo galleries from Surprise!!

On a semi-related note: If you haven’t done so yet, take a moment to peek at Craig and Clark’s Royals Authority 2009 Annual. I’ve looked over a lot of it, and it’s really great stuff. I hope you purchase one.

Related posts:

  1. An All-Positive post: Chris Hayes
  2. BP 2009 is coming, and other briefs


  1. Ray W

    Don’t kid yourself you were ready to give me a black eye. I bet you do have ashrine to Hayes in your closet. lol (maybe a whole room)

  2. Minda Haas

    Bahaha, I had forgotten about that already Ray. No, there’s no shrine, I swears. Just a lot of shoes…

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